Football Manager 17 problems are solved below. If all of the following questions relate to you, please feel free to comment below and we'll see if others are experiencing the same problem and if anyone has a solution.
Football Manager 17 Crashing / Freezing Solutions/ Fix

EASY solves problems that may occur with FOOTBALL MANAGER 17:

1:17 error message FOOTBALL MANAGER: the disc is unreadable

If during the game "Football Manager 17", the game crashes with the error "unreadable disk" on your game console, so there are a few things you can do to fix it. " This resolution is reliable XBox 360, PS3, PS4, Xbox, Wii U

Solution: eject the disc and give it a clean, it is unlikely that a DVD or BLU-ray disc itself would scrape past destruction then the error can be with a goal of the disc is dirty or just dust on the disc itself. Get a soft cloth and remove dust and debris that may have the unit ' Football Manager 17. If there is a circular scratch perfect running all the way around the disc, is a Laser that burns and is a common problem with DVD discs.

Fixation of Laser laser Burns Burns will cause your game crash, freeze and won't play at all. There is no easy fixation solution will not burn a Laser as the brand moves so deeply from disc often causes permanent damage. You can try looking at your local shop if they have a game pads that I hope to Polish the brand out. In this case, borrow a friends copy of 17 ' Football Manager, install the game and then try your damaged disk to see if the game is loading. If the game is loaded after installation will not require the drive until you play.

If the game does not require a disk and run a file pre-installed that resides on a disk (example: PS VITA) then the fault may lie with a damaged Setup file. To ensure that this is not the case, be sure to try and re-install the game or re-download the game and try again. Clear to the top problems associated with a structure lacking.

2: freezing on loading SAVE BUT QUEUE MANAGER FOOTBALL 17

If you are 17 ' Football Manager game hangs at the loading screen just after your previous safe loading, then this could indicate if there is an error on the hard disk, or save the file. Is an annoyance, but saves which files may be corrupted if you turn off the console while you save your progress. Once you start to save or AutoSave period DO NOT turn off your console. This will result in your backup file more likely to become corrupt, a readable and fixable.

Solution: there is no real way of fixing a corrupt, save the file. However, some players have suggested that if you delete your system cache, then it will load the backup file. You can also try to restore a previous backup files before the game has been damaged. If you believe that by saving files is not the case and can be located on your hard disk. Try to transfer the saved the file using a memory card to another hard drive and try to ' Football Manager 17 ' record on another console.

3: delay of 17 FOOTBALL MANAGER errors and problems

Although "Lag" seems to be the number one problem in online gaming today aren't always the fault of the game. Just because it's late in the game "Football Manager 17." does not mean that your game is defective. When playing online Lag is due to bad internet connection. There are several factors that can make you experience delays while playing with your friends.

Solution: If you do not normally occurs later when there may be a problem with your service provider. You can contact your ISP and explain whether they know any kind of failure on your line. Otherwise, if you are running a Wi-Fi connection, you can use a high speed wired Ethernet cable. It is more likely that another Member of your family having something visually to download or stream content on sites like YouTube and Facebook that decrease the bandwidth and ultimately will make your game lag ' Football Manager 17.

4: cannot connect to the ONLINE MULTIPLAYER football MANAGER 17//SERVER.

If you are faced with a problem connecting with all games, and you cannot connect to the online features of 'Football Manager 17 fault may lie with the connection. Even if you are connected, you're sure not located behind a firewall? Or maybe your computer or your console is restricting access to the server because of a safety locking. Another possibility is that the current version of the game is not up-to-date and causes a problem.

Solution: start first, be sure to check that your running the correct version of the game. If you game are expired, then simply may have a fix or an upgrade for use again. To do this simply update the game using the game server and try to connect back to the "Football Manager 17. If it still does not make sure that you remove any firewall that might prevent you to connect to the server. If you are not behind a firewall and make sure you check the support section of the "Football Manager 17" to see if you are having problems with their servers." If you have any problems and that the server is down I guess it's time to play the waiting game.


If you managed to pre-order 'Football Manager 17' or bought the limited edition or collector's edition and the codes do not work then it might be a minor inconvenience with the game itself, or maybe the fault of the place of purchase.

Solution: If you bought a copy of 'Football Manager 17' retail and the code was invalid, there are some things that could be done. If the game was sealed and says the code is invalid, so be sure to check that you have entered the right code. If after that audit is still working not to send just the customer support for the game team and will be happy to help you. However you need a picture of the game and a proof of purchase. If the code has already been used and that you are not able to get your extras or go online so please do not forget to check our guides on DLC code that will give you a variety of different solutions to the problem.


Sound problems are rarely the fault of the game disc and can be solved in several ways. If you have problems with the audio when playing "Football Manager 17' then it is a few steps you can take to ensure that the problem is not a user error and there may be an error with the game disc."

Solution: to fix the noise problems with 'Football Manager 17' so be sure to check all connections between the tv and console. If the connections are in place, you can try to replace the cables, you can believe were damaged. If you have replaced the wires and you still do not hear anything from the game, so it may be a mistake with the game disc. If it is still under warranty, the dealer can change the game for another copy.

7: is my GAMES CONSOLE or PC is faulty? What can I do?

If you have, I have tried all of the relevant corrections above and you still have problems with your game there is a possibility that may be defective console. Defective consoles are a nightmare to deal with, but once you have the right mindset and exact knowledge is not as a nuisance.

Solution: If you strongly believe that the console is broken so make sure that you check if you are always assured. More than the standard console come with a manufacturer's warranty. This entitles you to a repair or change the console where the console was bought. Sometimes developers can also help with a replacement console. As long as you are within the warranty period then feel free to contact your provider. If you purchased the console online is even easier to search for a replacement.

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